Written by: Damien First Published: 08 Nov 20127:58 PM

The 17th Scottish Licensed Trade News Awards (SLTN) took place recently at the Glasgow Hilton Hotel.The event was hosted by Kate Thornton and exists to recognise excellence across all aspects of Scotland’s licensed trade, from community locals to cocktail bars.

SLTN editor Scott Wright said: “Last night’s winners deserve enormous credit for rising to the challenge and displaying the high standards, innovation and value our industry is famous for.”


Orchid 1


Aberdeen’s Orchid was crowned Best Cocktail Bar on the night with The Tiki Bar in Glasgow, known for their fantastic Mai Tai and Zombie concoctions, was highly commended.


Blythswood Square, GlasgowIn other categories, Mal Spence from Blythswood Square in Glasgow walked off with the accolade of Mixologist of the Year whilst Iain McPherson from The Voodoo Rooms in Edinburgh was highly commended. Bond No.9, situated in the Leith district, was crowned the coveted Spirits Bar of the Year and the excellent Metropolitan in Glasgow, famous for its outstanding Mint Julep cocktail, won Late Night Venue of the Year.