Mid-September. Autumn in closing in. There’s a chance the evening might be a damp one – and also you/your lady-friend wants to wear high heels that just scream ‘blister alert’. So how to choose where to go for cocktails? East? West? Throw a dart at a Tube Map and settle it that way?
Well, on the 18th and 19th September, for two nights only, the choice is made for you. Cocktails in the City brings together some of the best bars around London. Yes that’s right – you’ll be in staggering distance from the next delectable drink, as they’re all featured under one roof. It’s like that Toys R Us advert but for people that like to get tipsy.
We’re describing the event as the UN of the cocktail world. Well, why not? It’s developing friendly bar relations and promoting mixology progress, surely? Plus it’s going to include the whole spectrum of drinking venues. Whether you generally feel more comfortable in a speakeasy in Shoreditch or a marble-furnished lounge in Mayfair – a dive Bar in Dalston or one of the speciality-sipping establishments in Soho, then you’ll find something to appeal.
And this isn’t the only lure. There will also be free cocktail classes and interaction with some of the world’s best bartenders, and edible alcoholic treats from the likes of Smith & Sinclair,macaroons from Alice’s Bakery and boozy candy floss from Spun Cocktails plus the famous Bubble Dogs hot-dogs to drool over. And naturally there’ll be DJ’s bringing the tunes to help set the ambience for what promises to be a great couple of nights for likeminded cocktail-lovers.
Created by the maestros of the party world, B&H, who have previously worked on great events such as Blitz parties and Prohibition, then this is one event not be missed by lovers of mixology. We’re extra excited about trying A Gentleman’s Breakfast, which sees the guys from LCC teaming up with bacon infused Gentleman Jack, and the Primster cocktail from Trailer Happiness and Lamb’s Navy Rum.
Located in the beautiful Grand Hall near St Pancras on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th of September between 6-11pm, tickets are only £12 and include a cocktail. Check out cocktailsinthecity.co.uk and start getting excited!
Rebecca Milford