Written by: Damien First Published: 24 Nov 20143:00 PM


Ah, Christmas. It’s doing its level best to sneak up on us once again. Of course, with Christmas also comes the dreaded Office Christmas Party.

Well, it’ll only fill you with dread if you let it!

We’ve pulled together some handy tips & advice to ensure your Office Christmas Party goes off without a hitch.

For the host/organiser, you’ll find some guidelines for keeping your co-workers happy and ensuring it all goes off without a hitch.

For the party animal attendee, you’ll find some great advice to keep you from ending up on the HR department’s post-celebration hit list.


in line at the buffet

The best advice we can give you as a party-goer: don’t drink on an empty stomach.

And for the host with the most? Make sure there’s enough food! No-one likes to be in the buffet queue, well aware that the chicken legs and sausage rolls are diminishing before they’ve even scooped some tuna & sweetcorn salad onto their paper plate.

What should you serve? Good question! We’ve enlisted the help of one of Glasgow’s top food bloggers, Emma Mykytyn of Food and Drink Glasgow, to aid you in planning the most epic of festive feasts. Emma’s suggestion? Classic cocktails, such as a Piña Colada or Tequila Sunrise, paired with a retro fare of sausage rolls, vol-au-vents filled with prawn, ham & pineapple, and chicken, and don’t forget the classic and ever popular cheese & onion hedgehog.

TOP TIP: Stop stomach’s rumbling by ensuring the spread is considering of any and all dietary requirement (you should probably do a bit of recon with your co-workers to make certain you’re catering [literally] to any particular tastes). After all, it’s only fair!


office cocktails

Beer? It’s alright. Wine? It’s fine. However, if you really want to make this Office Party memorable for all the right reasons, we’re going to have to insist on the presence of cocktails.

Why? Well, not only tasty and fun, they’ll add a touch of class to proceedings – and with the variety on offer from someone like, for example, Social & Cocktail Events, they’ll offer a terrific talking point.

Also, Social & Cocktail will set up a mobile cocktail bar AND provide you with a super-talented bartender, prone to acts of majestic flare and trickery.

Now, dear organiser, we hear you cry “what about buying all the necessary spirits & syrups, garnishes & glassware?”

No need to worry there. Social & Cocktail supply absolutely everything you’ll need to enjoy delicious, professionally made cocktails at your Office Party.

TOP TIP: This kind of goes without saying, but drink responsibly! You absolutely do not want to be that person with no recollection of the Christmas Party, who goes on to become part of office folklore after you tried to arm-wrestle the Area Manager to assert your dominance.


tim and dawn

We’re clearly going to insist on being sociable after imbibing some delicious cocktails. It’s what we’re all about at the end of the day.

So listen up hot shot, this isn’t the place to be boastful or arrogant. Play nice and keep your conversations casual and, ideally, NOT about work. No-one needs to know how much you earn, or how you totally “owned” the Anderson account.

Meanwhile, our intrepid organiser might want to consider some entertainment…

Music? Nothing too niche. If your favourite band is an underground Finnish post new-wave indie rock jazz-fusion funk quartet, it’s probably a good idea not to play their entire back catalogue in lieu of anything else. Stick to the hits – all killer, no filler!

Games? Well that’s going to depend on the size of the party, and the appetite of the party-goers to engage. It could be fun, but shouldn’t dominate the evening.

TOP TIP: Careful you don’t enjoy one too many Mojitos and declare your undying love in front of your co-workers! Things worked out for Tim & Dawn, but let’s just assume that you’re neither Tim nor Dawn…


Cocktail parties

What more can you ask for?

If the idea of a Christmas Cocktail Party, complete with bar & bartender, has piqued your interest, be sure to contact Social & Cocktail Events. Click below to get a quote!

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