First Published: 23 Oct 201410:47 AM

No matter what your tipple of choice is, sometimes we could all do with shaking things up a little bit, and trying something totally out of our comfort zone. Our friends over at Vinspire HQ are very big on exploring new drinks – no matter how unusual – and have discovered a selection of very interesting liqueurs that will be a talking point at the end of any dinner party.


nuvo liqueur1. Nuvo

It’s pink AND sparkling AND full of vodka. What’s not to love? It’s good enough to replace a pre-dinner cocktail, for sure.

And if you want to know what it tastes like, the answer is basically passion fruit.





blood shot vodka bloody mary2. Bloody Mary liqueur

Last year saw the release of the world’s first ever Bloody Mary liqueur. ‘What need do we have for one of these?’ you might ask. Well, when you’re utterly hungover, desperate for hair of the dog but too bleary-eyed to make a real one, this really is the next best thing.



wild bullace liqueur3. Wild Bullace Liqueur

What the heck is a wild bullace, and what does it taste like? The answers to these two questions are ‘plum’ and ‘plums’. Actually, this is more like a tarter version of sloe gin, but it’s better to show off when your friends come around because not only are wild bullaces extremely rare, this is the only liqueur of its kind in the world.






sambuca-500x5004. English sambuca

Most of us know sambuca as a horrendous end-of-the-night drink that you only consume whilst making bad life choices.

The English Spirit Distillery in Cambridgeshire have revitalised this liqueur, however, making a version of it that is smoother, more flavoursome and definitely more drinkable.






StellaCello_DSC_57575. Stellacello ‘Pompelmo’ Liqueur

It’s not so much the flavour of this liqueur that’s weird (although you don’t see an awful lot of grapefruit liqueurs about…) – it’s more the fascinating concept behind it. They’ve taken limoncello and used grapefruits instead to give it more bite, but what makes it truly show-off-able is the company’s decision to use a picture of Jesus holding a grapefruit as the label. Worth buying a bottle for that alone…