Written by: Rebecca Milford First Published: 19 Aug 20143:04 PM

#useyourheadCHV Selfie Competition - frontWe`ve all seen those wonderful bottles of Crystal Head Vodka glinting on the back bar. Shaped like skulls, they look macabre and exciting and a little bit voo-doo all at the same time. But did you know that the concept for this spooky spirit was created by Dan Aykroyd – none other than Dr Raymond Stantz in Ghostbusters!

So how would you like to meet this Hollywood legend at a VIP party in September?! All you have to do it snap a  selfie of yourself with a Crystal Head Vodka bottle, upload it to your Facebook page and use the #useyourheadCHV

A weekly winner will receive some ultra-cool skull shot glasses from Crystal Head Vodka, and then the best six overall will be invited to meet the Ghostbusters legend Dan at an exclusive party in London.

So Use Your Head, grab a bottle of the skeletal stuff, and get posting!