The Ingredients
1 Bottle Red Wine , 1 Cinnamon Stick , 1 cup Brown Sugar, 1 Lemon Peel, 4 ounces Dried Plums, 4 ounces Raisins, 10 ounces Dried Peaches
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How to make
In the medium saucepan, combine brown sugar, wine, lemon peel and cinnamon. Bring this mixture to boil, and reduce heat, and simmer for five minutes, stirring continuously. Drain fruit & carefully add to your wine mixture. Cover the saucepan with lid & simmer for fifteen minutes on the low heat. Remove from the heat and let it sit for 2 to 3 hours prior to serving and Zurracapote can also be served cold or hot, like desired.
Social and Cocktail says:
A fantastic punch-like drink, very similar to sangria. Zurracapote is a great idea for special occasions, such as a birthday party or family barbecue.
Did you know?
Red wine makes up 55% of global wine sales.