Cocktail bars Glasgow now include some of the best bars in Scotland and are a key element of what makes Glasgow nightlife such an amazing experience. The bars in Glasgow are famous for their great banter, friendly atmosphere and helpful staff and over the last decade we have been able to add “great cocktails” to that list. The best cocktail bars in Glasgow are scattered across the city, so make sure you plan before you set out on your cocktail adventures. You could perhaps begin over in the Finnieston area of the city with The Finnieston bar, which is quickly becoming one of the jewels of the Glasgow nightlife scene or just around the corner you will find the excellent Bilberry cocktail bar. Over in the WestEnd of Glasgow you will find Booly Mardys, which is famous for its signature Bloody Mary and down the road Vodka Wodka, which boasts the largest selection of vodkas in Glasgow.

Some of the best cocktail bars Glasgow can be found as part of an hotel, such as the impressive BoBar which is part of the Hilton Hotel and Blythswood Square, which is regarded as having one of the most creative and impressive cocktail menus in the UK. For dedication to their trade, bars in Glasgow don’t get much better than Blue Dog who focus almost exclusively on cocktails and is also the place for some great live jazz and blues.